Oracle Public Interest Report lays bare failures on Labour-Administration Thursday, 20 February, 2025 The long-awaited Public Interest Report on Birmingham Labour’s butchered rollout of the Oracle IT system has been published today, exposing the full extent of mismanagement surrounding the project. The report, from Auditors Grant Thorton, was handed to the Council on 11 February, but has only been shared today, despite the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 requiring it to be sent to... Articles
Helping with the cost of household bills, & ensuring Britain's energy security. 21st March 2023 In the Autumn Statement 2022, the government took the difficult decisions needed on tax and spending to restore economic stability, which allowed the Government... Articles
Remember to check on your neighbours today! 9th March 2023 Please remember to check on your elderly and vulnerable neighbours today. Make sure they are: 1. Not injured 2. Warm 3. Have food and water 4. Have someone they... Articles
Bring CCTV Cameras to Daisy Farm Park 1st March 2023 Cllr Adam Higgs is campaigning for CCTV to be introduced at Daisy Farm Park to deter Anti-social behaviour. Cllr Higgs said "I know that so many of you care... Articles
Shadow Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Ken Wood, slams Birmingham City Council for "second-class" treatment of Social Housing tenants, following the publication of the latest Ombudsman report. 19th January 2023 The report followed the Labour Council’s refusal to commit to targets laid out in a Conservative motion on the 10th of January. Cllr Ken Wood (Con, Walmley &... Articles
SENDIASS Review Released After Conservative Pressure at Scrutiny Committee 12th January 2023 Following yesterday’s Community Rally to save SENDIASS, which Conservative Councillors attended, and consistent pressure and campaigning by the Conservative... Articles
Birmingham Local Conservatives challenge Labour Council over dire state of social housing in Brum 12th January 2023 At Tuesday’s full council meeting, Conservative Councillors asked Labour Cabinet members several questions on housing in the run-up to their housing motion... Articles
Labour-led Birmingham City Council offer hazardous substandard social housing. “…biggest Slum Landlord in Birmingham” 12th December 2022 The current Labour Leader in Birmingham has presided over a period of decline in which our housing stock has gone backwards rather than forwards. The... Local News
Birmingham Labour continues to fail residents on bins say Labour's own working group! 23rd November 2022 A working group of 10 Labour Council members presented their results in an internal report to the Labour leadership. They occasionally had to compare... Articles
Local Conservatives call for SEND services to be placed in Trust as Labour-led Birmingham City Council continues to fail local children 15th November 2022 Birmingham Local Conservatives have repeatedly called for services for children with additional needs to be placed in a trust following years of continuous and... Articles
Boris begins the General Election outside 10 Downing Street 6th November 2019 Read Boris’s full Downing Street speech as he begins the General Election. National News
Boris launches campaign pledging to unleash Britain's potential 6th November 2019 Boris Johnson set out his pitch for the country. Get Brexit done. Focus on our priorities. Unleash Britain’s potential. National News
We’re ready for a General Election 31st October 2019 We’re holding a general election on 12 December – so we can elect a new Parliament, get Brexit done and let the country move on. National News
A new deal: getting Brexit done and taking back control 17th October 2019 Prime Minister Boris Johnson has negotiated a new deal – this is a real Brexit deal which ensures that we take back control. This new deal ensures that we take... National News
See where we're hiring police officers in your area 9th October 2019 The Home Office has today confirmed the officer recruitment targets for every police force in England and Wales for the first year of the unprecedented drive to... National News
What Boris Johnson’s proposed Brexit deal means 4th October 2019 As Boris Johnson has rightly said, we are coming out of the EU on October 31, come what may. MPs promised to respect the result of the referendum. More people... National News