Brummies hit with ANOTHER double whammy of fewer services for higher council tax. Tuesday, 21 January, 2025 Today at Birmingham City Council Cabinet Committee, the Council has confirmed council tax is going up by 10% again next year. The Labour Cabinet also revealed that their budget gap for next year has gone from a forecasted £67 million in savings needed in 2025/2026 before the Autumn budget to at least £153 million savings now needed in 2025/2026. This means residents will be hit with another double... Articles
Birmingham MP celebrates local health charity's 16th year 12th August 2012 Andrew Mitchell MP has visited Banners Gate Counselling Centre, a local Sutton Coldfield health charity, to catch up on progress made in the Centre’s sixteenth... Local News
Conservatives slam vandals for damaging Erdington fountain 4th August 2012 Counservative Councillor, Robert Alden, slams vandals for damaging the fountain on Erdington High Street Local News
Conservatives join all-party delegation to Number 10 to promote Birmingham 26th July 2012 The Conservative Group will be represented as part of an all-party delegation from Birmingham to Number 10 to seek the best possible deal for Birmingham... Local News
Erdington Councillors fight to save local gardens 16th July 2012 Erdington Councillors welcome decision to save local gardens following their hard fought local campaign Local News
Harbour hits out at EU over jobs and growth 8th July 2012 Malcolm Harbour , West Midlands Conservative MEP, has criticised the EU Commission for lack of focus and inaction on jobs and growth policies Local News
Candidates set out PCC priorities 3rd July 2012 Matt Bennett and Joe Tildesley set out their priorities ahead of the open primary for the Conservative nomination for the Police and Crime Commissioner. Local News
Conservatives to use Open Primary to select Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate 26th June 2012 Conservatives have decided to chose their West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner candidate by Open Primary. This allows any member of the public to vote... Local News
Erdington Jubilee Big Lunch Party 30th May 2012 Erdington Councillors, Robert Alden, Gareth Moore and Bob Beauchamp, have announced a Jubilee Big Lunch Party on 3 June with the help of the Erdington Town... Local News
Birmingham's Broadband Boost 28th May 2012 Malcolm Harbour MEP welcomes the recent announcement that Birmingham is to receive money from a £100million pot of Treasury cash to make the city 'super... Local News
Let us work peacefully and lawfully to defeat racism and discrimination 9th June 2020 The Prime Minister has condemned the violence seen against police officers during protests over the weekend. National News
Boris Johnson: We will meet our obligations to Hong Kong, not walk away 3rd June 2020 Britain wants nothing more than for Hong Kong to succeed under “one country, two systems”. I hope that China wants the same. Let us work together to make it so. National News
How we're protecting jobs, businesses and livelihoods as we begin to kickstart our economy 3rd June 2020 Our top priority has always been to support people, protect jobs and businesses through this crisis. The furlough and self-employment schemes have been a... National News
This is why Pride Month matters 1st June 2020 Conservatives will always fight for a free, fair and tolerant Britain. National News
Update from the Prime Minister on our fight against the coronavirus 28th May 2020 The Prime Minister's speech on 28th May 2020, about the country's fight against coronavirus. National News
Test and Trace for Coronavirus launches today across England 28th May 2020 From 9am today, the new NHS Test and Trace service has launched across England - helping us to keep the virus under control while carefully and safely lifting... National News