Oracle Public Interest Report lays bare failures on Labour-Administration Thursday, 20 February, 2025 The long-awaited Public Interest Report on Birmingham Labour’s butchered rollout of the Oracle IT system has been published today, exposing the full extent of mismanagement surrounding the project. The report, from Auditors Grant Thorton, was handed to the Council on 11 February, but has only been shared today, despite the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 requiring it to be sent to... Articles
Stop Press: Office Needed 7th March 2013 Birmingham Conservatives are looking for an office in South Birmingham to support our activities in that area. Local News
Harbour Moves On 4th March 2013 Malcolm Harbour , West Midlands Conservative MEP, has announced he will be leaving the European Parliament in July 2014 after the next European elections. Local News
Tory Deputy urges Labour 'Save our services, not your trade unions' 27th February 2013 Deputy Leader of the Conservative group urged fellow councillors to save vital city services in Birmingham, during yesterday's Council budget debate by... Local News
Councillors join residents in campaign to save Erdington Walk in Centre 11th February 2013 Local Councillors have joined residents to campaign to save the vital Erdington Walk in Centre. Local News
Harbour: 'Great privilege' to be awarded CBE 2nd January 2013 Malcolm Harbour says it is a "great privilege" to be awarded a CBE in the New Years Honours. Articles
Cllr Robert Alden: Labour have "lost control of City Council's finances" 27th October 2012 Cllr Robert Alden has accused the Labour-run City Council of having "totally failed to control the budget this year" ahead of the announcement of wide-ranging... Local News
Birmingham MP celebrates local health charity's 16th year 12th August 2012 Andrew Mitchell MP has visited Banners Gate Counselling Centre, a local Sutton Coldfield health charity, to catch up on progress made in the Centre’s sixteenth... Local News
Conservatives slam vandals for damaging Erdington fountain 4th August 2012 Counservative Councillor, Robert Alden, slams vandals for damaging the fountain on Erdington High Street Local News
Conservatives join all-party delegation to Number 10 to promote Birmingham 26th July 2012 The Conservative Group will be represented as part of an all-party delegation from Birmingham to Number 10 to seek the best possible deal for Birmingham... Local News
We are committed to securing justice for victims 20th November 2019 A Conservative majority government will introduce an ambitious package of measures to support the victims of crime, the party has announced today. National News
Boris Johnson won the first Leaders' Debate 20th November 2019 Tonight Boris Johnson set out the choice facing voters at this election – a majority Government that can get Brexit done so the country can move on, or yet... National News
“We will empower police to tackle scourge of violent knife crime,” pledges PM 19th November 2019 A Boris Johnson majority government would take a tough new approach to tackling knife crime and serious violence. National News
Life will mean life for child murderers 19th November 2019 Adults who murder children will be imprisoned for life, without parole, under tough new justice plans to be introduced by a Conservative majority Government. National News
Corbyn’s Pension Tax to cost savers £11,000 and force millions to delay retirement 18th November 2019 New analysis of Corbyn’s tax raid on pensions reveals that 10 million savers could lose an average of over £11,000 and be forced to delay retirement by almost... National News
Labour’s Brexit Policy: Even More Chaos and Indecision 18th November 2019 As per usual, Labour are only offering more talk, more delay and more indecision on Brexit. National News